Laugh out loud right along with your kids as you read these funny picture books together. They’re ridiculously funny for the whole family.
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Funny Picture Books
King Baby by Kate Beaton
A quick read with one or two sentences on each page, King Baby is written from the perspective of a baby, highlighting how “it is good to be the king” of his family. It’s light-hearted and would be perfect for learning about families.
Firefighter Duckies! by Frank W. Dormer
It’s so silly! And it’s repetitive, which is perfect for young kids. “They are the Firefighter Duckies! *insert silly problem* such as ‘dinosaurs on bicycles!’” Kids will love the repetitiveness and will laugh at loud at the crazy predicaments their animal friends find themselves in.
Penguin Problems from Jory John and Lane Smith
A penguin spends the first half of the book complaining about all of the problems he faces as a penguin. It’s sarcastic and witty and kids will laugh. He does, eventually, notice the good parts of his life and has a sweet message about being exactly where we need to be. I love how the sentences are short and the illustrations are clever. (It does use the words “dumb” and “heck” one time each.)
The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors by Drew Daywalt
It’s a little too long for most toddlers, but preschoolers and younger elementary kids would love it. It is not historical fiction; Instead, it’s a clever myth for how the game could have been created if rocks, paper, and scissors were animate.
A Perfect Day by Lane Smith
With only one sentence on each page, it’s a quick read. Cat, Dog, Bird, and Squirrel are having perfect days…until Bear comes along and ruins everyone’s perfect day (unknowingly while having his own perfect day.) The kids will love discovering how Bear’s activities for a perfect day get in the way of the other animals’ activities for perfect days.
My Toothbrush is Missing by Jan Thomas
Dog and his friends are looking for his toothbrush. Dog has to describe his toothbrush to his friends because they don’t know what one looks like. They go on a silly quest to find it. It’s short and sweet and really funny.
Still Stuck by Shinsuke Yoshitake
A little boy tries to get dressed all by himself and imagines what would happen if his shirt is stuck over his head forever. Kids will be able to relate to the silly imaginings and the “I can do it myself” attitude.
Check out some more of our book lists:
Picture Books All About Brand New Babies
10 Best Family Books to Read Together