Prepare for kindergarten!
Information for preparing your child for kindergarten
Kindergarten Prep Can be Overwhelming
You want to make sure your preschooler is ready when he or she walks through those kindergarten doors for the first time? You know that they’ll learn a lot at school, but you may feel a lot of pressure to make sure they have a great foundation before they start kindergarten. Sometimes it seems overwhelming, doesn’t it?
You may hear things like, “Kids need to know how to read before they start kindergarten.” And, “Your child doesn’t know how to use a pair of scissors?” and “Kindergarten now is what first grade was twenty years ago.”
Yeah, overwhelming!
Don’t worry. Just a little bit of (fun) work each day will ensure that your child is on his or her way to succeeding in kindergarten.
An Easier Way to Get Ready for School
To make it as simple as possible, I put together the The Get Ready for Kindergarten Handbook. It is a book meant to guide you through the months leading up until the first day of kindergarten. You will find 31 days of activities to enhance your child’s math, reading, writing, fine motor, gross motor, social, and emotional skills.
In addition, if you like The Get Ready for Kindergarten Handbook and are looking for even more activities, you can try The Get Ready for Kindergarten Calendar. It’s a calendar that will bring you through an entire year of activities for you to complete with your preschooler!
Back to The Get Ready for Kindergarten Handbook: even kids who know how to read or are really good at math or know tons of weird colors can benefit from the handbook’s activities. Reinforcing these skills (and maybe introducing a few you haven’t thought about yet) is only going to make your child more equipped for kindergarten. Plus, these activities are great for those learning basic skills and others trying out more advanced topics. Just let them do what they can and practice what they’re still getting the hang of.
Allowing our kids to make mistakes, learn from them, and stretch beyond their comfort zones will mold them into curious learners. And that’s what we want!
My Qualifications
I’m a children’s librarian, with a Masters in Library Science. I have a specialization in Youth Services, and I spend my days working with infants through fourteen-year-olds. I run a Kindergarten Readiness class at my library, and I instruct multiple classes for toddlers and preschoolers. I’ve studied early literacy in depth, and, as a children’s librarian, I am passionate about Every Child Ready to Read 2nd Edition, which incorporates five aspects of early literacy:
All of the activities, projects, and games I suggest will fall into at least one of those five categories. (Most will fall into more than one category!)
How The Get Ready for Kindergarten Handbook Can Help Prepare Preschoolers for Kindergarten
The kids who go through and practice the activities demonstrated in this book will be well on their way to succeeding in kindergarten. They will have knowledge of basic subjects, like math, reading, and writing. They also will have worked on developing strong fine motor skills and gross motor skills. Introducing our kids to topics like craft dough, the alphabet, picture books, and blocks seems simple, but those are tools that create a foundation for literacy skills throughout their lives.
The Get Ready for Kindergarten Handbook can help you and your child not only prepare for kindergarten but also have fun preparing! Let’s get your child kindergarten ready!
So, here we go! Here is The Get Ready for Kindergarten Handbook for FREE!
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