These new picture books for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers are sweet, funny, and educational. Find books every child will love!
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Abner and Ian Get Right-Side Up by Dave Eggers
Lenny the Lobster Can’t Stay for Dinner by Finn Buckley
Where’s the Astronaut? by Ingela P. Arrhenius
Nerdy Babies: Space by Emmy Kastner
B is for Baby by Atinuke
Noni the Pony Rescues a Joey by Alison Lester
Chomp: A Shark Romp by Michael Paul
Bruno the Standing Cat by Nadine Robert & Jean Jullien
Holy Squawkamole! Little Red Hen Makes Guacamole by Susan Wood
Unicorn Day by Diane Murray
Bear Came Along by Richard T. Morris
Unicorn is Maybe Not So Great After All by Bob Shea
Dogs and their People by Anne Lambert
The Don’t Worry Book by Todd Parr
For details on why these are my favorite new books, check out the video below!
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