A list of 10 of wonderful books about dads and their kids. They’re unique, they’re funny, they’re sweet, they’re perfect gifts.
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It’s Great Being a Dad by Dan Bar-el
I am in love with this book. It’s perfect for preschoolers because they are totally into imaginative play. This book starts with a unicorn talking about how great it is to be a unicorn, but then reveals that it’s pretty much impossible to graze with a big horn on your head. Problems continue for classic child favorites: a robot, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, a fairy queen ballerina doctor, and a sneaky flying alligator pirate. The only person who can solve all of their problems is….you guessed it! DADS!
Dragons: Father and Son by Alexandre Lacroix and Ronan Badel
This book has more words and would be perfect for 4 years +. It’s more of a book about how parents can learn a lot from their children if we simply listen. A father dragon tells his son to burn down a house in the village — because it’s tradition. The young dragon ends up meeting some of the villagers and becomes friends with them and doesn’t burn a house down. Will his dad be able to change his traditional ways after listening to his son? Of course, it’s a picture book! 🙂
Naptastrophe! by Jarret J. Krosoczka
Anyone who spends time with small children has had a naptastrophe. This dad did. His child threw a gigantic temper tantrum at the checkout lane in the grocery store. Any of you relate? The little bunny spends the entire book refusing to nap because she’s “not tired.” Well, that night at dinner, SPLAT! Her face falls straight into her dinner because turns out, she is tired. Super relatable!
You and Me, Me and You by Miguel Tanco
The SWEETEST gift for a dad: It’s definitely more of a gift book than a story book, but dads may find it emotional. It’s a simple text with a different phrase on each set of pages, saying the things that a little boy does for his dad. (i.e. “I give you the chance to tell stories….”) It’s a smaller book than I’d like for young kids, but it’s still a wonderful Father’s Day gift.
Jabari Jumps by Gaia Cornwall
I am in love with this book. Jabari goes to the pool with his dad, where he’s a little bit afraid of jumping off the diving board for the first time. His dad encourages him in just the right ways and lets Jabari know that it’s okay to be afraid! I don’t want to spoil the ending, but let’s just say Jabari loves suprises 🙂
Things to Do with Dad by Sam Zuppardi
A dad’s typical “Things to Do” list is changed for the better when his son changes it to “Things To Do with Dad.” Instead of watering the garden, the explore the jungle. Instead of hang out the laundry, they join a circus. Basically, they put a little imagination behind the chores and have a wonderful day together. PS the only words in this book are the to-do lists. LOVE IT!
Beard in a Box by Bill Cotter
This is my favorite book about dads ever. Like seriously: ever. It’s SO cute and funny and clever. A little boy decides that his dad’s awesomeness comes from his beard. So he buys a beard in a box to grow his own beard. (Because, of course, he wants to be awesome like his dad!) After some funny comments that will keep even the dad’s laughing: the boy’s dad teaches him that awesomeness comes from the kind of people we are, not beards. What a great lesson!
Rex by Simon James
Grab the kleenex! A terrifying Tyrannosaurus Rex scares the other jungle dinosaurs. He works alone until an egg cracks open in his cave and out pops a baby dinosaur. The baby immediately starts calling the giant T-Rex “Dad” and wants to be just like him when he grows up. The big T-Rex has to tell him that he’s not really his dad. The little dinosaur goes off on his own to find his family, but, when T-Rex saves the baby, they both realize they’ve already found where they belong: Dad and son.
Darth Vader and Son by Jeffrey Brown
What if Darth Vader was a doting dad while being the Dark Lord of the Sith? This sweet and short picture book/graphic novel gives us a glimpse of what Darth Vader may have been like as a dad – I mean, wouldn’t Luke have come to Take Your Child to Work Day on the Death Star or learned to use the Force to open the cookie jar? It’s funny and sweet and perfect for those Star Wars dads.
Vader’s Little Princess by Jeffrey Brown
We didn’t forget about daughters! In between his dark work, Darth Vader stops to examine butterflies, wears special knitting projects, teaches Leia to drive, deals with telemarketers, teaches Leia to brush her teeth, the list goes on. It’s so hilarious and cute. Again, perfect for those Star Wars dads.
These books are great for surprising new dads, gifting on Father’s Day, and loving favorite dads just because.
Which one of these cool dad books is your favorite?
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