This process art activity is inspired by Andy Warhol and his pop art pieces. It’s simple, fun, educational, and perfect for toddlers and preschoolers.
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*Thanks to Playground Parkbench for this idea!

What you need:
- Black construction paper, large
- Printed images of popular characters for preschoolers – 4 of each character
- Oil pastels, we use these kid friendly ones
- Glue

What to do:
- First, cut out the images so they’ll fit in a grid on the black construction paper, 4 of the same character on each piece of construction paper.
- Second, encourage the child to color each character picture with the oil pastels.
- And third, encourage the child to glue their colored pictures in a grid on the black construction paper.
- Finally, display the Warhol-inspired art for all to see!

We looked at Andy Warhol’s art of Marilyn Monroe, a popular person when Warhol was creating art! After explaining that “popular” means lots of people like it, I asked questions, such as:
- What colors do you see?
- What types of characters are popular now? (Think Donald Duck, Superman, etc.)
- Who are your favorite popular characters
- What shapes do you see?
The kids said Clifford, Minnie Mouse, Princess Sophia, Winnie the Pooh were all popular characters. I loved their answers! For their project, they could pick from a variety of characters, including Peppa Pig, Winnie the Pooh, Princess Sophia, Spiderman, a Paw Patrol character, and more!

The kids loved coloring with the oil pastels, and I understand why. Oil pastels, especially these, go on so much smoother than crayons do. Plus, it’s great to introduce the kids to new materials, especially since Andy Warhol used oil pastels in some of his art!

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