Inspired by Sonia Delaunay, this process art activity is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers who are learning about shapes.
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What you need:
- Canvas panel
- Paint
- Recycled objects (food containers, cardboard, plastic cubs, cardboard tubes, bottles, etc.)

What to do:
- Encourage the child to paint the canvas panel completely to give the project a background color.
- After it dries, the child can use the recycled objects to stamp paint onto the canvas.
- Let it dry and display!

As your child is working on his/her project, talk about the shapes he/she is making when stamping paint.

We read Madame Sonia Delaunay by Gerard Lo Monaco and looked at the really fun art pieces she’s made. We talked about the shapes and colors we saw and compared the paintings to our own.
And that’s one of the ways we practice shapes with art, while using recycled materials! Check out our other Sonia Delaunay-inspired shape art here.
What other ways do you practice shapes with your little ones? Comment below or message me on Instagram!
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