Benefits of Process Art
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Improve Fine Motor Skills
Using the muscles in their hands and fingers improves kids ability to manipulate small objects. Painting, drawing, coloring, building, cutting, and gluing are all examples of ways kids strengthen their muscles while participating in process art activities.
Develop Creativity
When participating in art activities, kids are able to make their own choices, experiment with materials, and try new ways to do things.
Engage in Play
In addition, for kids, learning primarily happens through play. By participating in these types of activities, kids are able to engage in the world around them, while having fun.
Practice Literacy Skills
Kids can engage in conversations, as well as trying out new words and expressing new concepts. In addition, using their hand muscles prepares them for eventually learning to write.
Develop Decision Making Skills
Kids are able to make independent choices. There is no right or wrong choices when creating in process art, so kids are free to make their own choices.
Improve Confidence
Also, kids are able to build self-esteem through trying new ways of doing things, experimenting with materials, and practicing making decisions.
These activities are a great place to start when striving for the benefits of process art activities.
What is it?
Wondering what process art is? Check out this video for an introduction to this important concept for toddlers and preschoolers. (It includes some benefits of process art!)
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